Realization of geothermal energy in Utrecht in a way that is valuable to the area and the stakeholders involved.


Geothermal energy can play an important role in creating a more sustainable heat supply in Utrecht. It is a clean form of energy with relatively little spatial impact and a predictable supply once production is established. The LEAN and GOUD projects both aim to use geothermal energy to make the heat supply in the municipality of Utrecht and the surrounding area more sustainable. The province of Utrecht supports these initiatives. Because both projects take place in the same area and therefore involve many similar stakeholders, the Warmtebron Utrecht organization decided to use a single approach regarding the environment. Thijs Kraassenberg is the senior stakeholder manager. His aim for the use of SSE at LEAN and GOUD is to realize geothermal energy in Utrecht in a way that is of value to the area and its stakeholders.