Jan-Pieter describes himself as an ambitious, self-motivated and critically driven person. He constantly tries to broaden his horizons by being open to new ideas and perspectives.
Based on his own convictions, he believes he can be a driving force for positive change. Both within organizations and for larger complex issues.
The Netherlands and our customers face major challenges in a changing (political) landscape, in the broadest sense of the word. That's precisely when we have to do it together. Strategic Environmental Management provides guidance and strategic content to organizations and can provide the answer to being (or remaining) agile and future-proof, especially in a turbulent environment characterized by many stakeholders. By understanding these situations and providing advice, he contributes to (restoring) trust in each other and in (new) solutions.
Jan-Pieter is personally particularly interested in how organizations can safeguard desired changes and therefore make them stick in the long term. Only then can SSE become an organizational competency.